
We keep all business books in accordance with the law and existing regulations of the Republic of Serbia.
The relationship between the company and the client is strictly confidential and is considered a business secret. We constantly monitor changes in the law and subscribe to all professional literature, attend seminars and lectures and regularly follow Internet sites related to news in our profession in order to stay up to date with business events.

TIO TRADE d.o.o. performs the following accounting services for you:

General ledger accounting

Inventory, depreciation of fixed assets

Calculation of value added taxt

Analytical records of balances, accounts, listings of open items

Keeping tax records

Creation of the final invoice

Compilation of periodic reports for banks and other organizations

Regulation of seniority of the insured

Registration and de- registration of employees and founders

Handling cash register

Calculation of wages, benefits, contributions

Calculation of work contracts and royalties

Commodity business - wholesale, retail, production

Preparation of documentation for obtaining bank loans

Creation of statistics of financial accounts

We actively cooperate with all inspection reviews

Calculation of interest

We have enriched our offer with high-quality courier services,
as well as providing all the necessary assistance in establishing a company.

Price of services

We determine the price of bookkeeping services at the beginning of cooperation on the basis of your submitted data.
The final price will be formed after a discussion with you and includes office supplies, advice and constant consultation in the area of the contracted work.
Services are calculated as an agreed monthly amount that does not change.
The price correction is made only in case of an important change in your business, by agreement.